Mark Warner Interviewed About the Prospects for Removing U.S. Softwood Lumber Tariffs and for Lifting the Canada-U.S. COVID19-Related Border Restrictions
Mark Warner was interviewed on Canada Talks SiriusXM 167 about the prospects for resolving the Canada-U.S. softwood lumber dispute in the face of rising home prices in the U.S. and also about the prospects of lifting COVID19 border travel restrictions. (May 17, 2021) Mr. Warner is a Canadian and U.S. lawyer who has practiced in Toronto, Washington, DC and New York and has advised governments on trade policy and trade negotiations and previously worked on trade and competition issues as counsel in the OECD Trade Directorate. Mr. Warner was Legal Director of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development & Trade and led Ontario’s legal team for trade negotiations including the Canada-U.S. Agreement on Government Procurement and the Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA) negotiations on matters including: Cross Border Trade in Services; Temporary Entry and Stay of Natural Persons for Business Purposes; Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications; and Regulatory Cooperation. Mr. Warner also advised on trade disputes (including the Green Energy Act and softwood lumber), on several NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor-State arbitrations and led the Province’s legal team for the insolvency / restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler. He is co-author of a leading Canadian trade law treatise, has also published numerous articles and has been invited to speak at conferences around the world.