Mark Warner Invited to Become a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation

Mark Warner has been invited to become a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. The Fellows is an honorary organization of attorneys, judges, law faculty, and legal scholars who have been elected by their peers to become members of The Fellows. Selection as a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation is recognition of a lawyer whose career has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in the profession, service to society, and commitment to the ideals and objectives of the American Bar Association. Membership in The Fellows is limited to less than one percent of lawyers licensed to practice in each jurisdiction of the United States and to a small percentage of international lawyers. Past Fellows include: Justice Ginsburg, Justice Breyer, Attorney General Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Kenneth Feinberg and Scott Turow.

Mark Warner discusses economic sanctions on Cuba and Russia

Mark Warner discuses economic sanctions on Cuba and Russia on Sun News Network in response of President Obama’s decision to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba and in response to the fall in the value of the ruble in response to the sharp decline in the price of oil. (December 18, 2014)

Mark Warner Participates in Conference on Understanding and Taming Public and Private Corruption, November 6th

Mark Warner will be participate in York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School Conference on November 6 and 7, 2014 that will look at corruption in business, finance, government and enforcement. “Understanding and Taming Public and Private Corruption in the 21st Century” will bring together top Canadian and international legal, political and media experts to explore what makes these sectors vulnerable to corruption, the systems that undermine anti-corruption intentions, and the failures of transparency and accountability efforts. Key themes that will be explored at the conference include:

· Corruption in undermining international economic development;

· Corruption as a facilitator of organized crime;

· Corrupt interactions between business and government;

· Corruption within government institutions;

· The UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC);

· The Foreign Corrupt Practices Acts and their extra-terrestrial reach;

· The adequacy of whistle-blowing legislation, policies and practices.

Mark Warner Participates in Competition Bureau Innovation & Antitrust Workshop, November 4, 2014

Mark Warner will be participating in the Canadian Competition Bureau Innovation And Antitrust Workshop in Ottawa on November 4th. The workshop will feature speakers from business, academia and government, both domestic and international, to discuss the role of innovation across various industries, explore the relationship between competition and innovation, and examine how innovation should best be assessed by competition agencies. Follow live tweets from @MAAWLAW on Twitter on #CBinnov8.

Discussing the competition law issues in Postmedia’s Proposed Acquisition of QMI’s English-language Media Assets on CHED AM630 in Edmonton

Mark Warner discussing the competition law issues in Postmedia’s Proposed Acquisition of QMI’s English-language Media Assets on CHED AM 630 in Edmonton‎ with host Andrew Grose (October 21, 2014). [Begins at 19:58 ends at 34:07]


Discussing a Competition Law Class Action Suit Against Junior Hockey League player “wage” rules on Newstalk 1010

Discussing a Competition Law Class Action lawsuit alleging that the Canadian Hockey League and its teams “conspired” to force young players into signing contracts that breach minimum wage laws (October 20,2014).

Mark Warner interviewed on BNN about Canadian Competition Law & the Pharmaceutical industry

Mark Warner on BNN discussing the Canadian Competition Bureau’s new enforcement policy with respect to “reverse payment” / “pay for delay” settlements between brand and generic pharmaceutical companies (September 29, 2014)