The Canadian Law and Practice of International Trade: Second Edition (co-author with J.G. Castel, A. de Mestral, W.C. Graham, M. Hainsworth, 1997). (responsible for the Chapters on the International Competition Law and the Principles of International Business Conduct)
“Exploring the GATS Implications of Integrating Competition Policy Disciplines into the WTO” in “Services 2000: New Directions In Services Trade Liberalization (Pierre Sauvé and Robert M. Stern eds., 2000)
“Canadian Competition Policy in a Competitive Global Trading Environment”, with Calvin S. Goldman, Q.C. and John D. Bodrug, in Global Competition Policy (E.M. Graham and J.D. Richardson, eds. 1997).
“Private and Public Restraints on Trade: Effects on Investment Decisions and Policy Approaches to Them” in Market Access After the Uruguay Round: Investment, Competition and Technology Perspectives 123 (Pierre Sauvé and Americo Beviglia Zampetti, eds., 1996).
“Private and Public Impediments to Market Presence: Exploring the Investment – Competition Nexus” in Investment Rules for the Global Economy: Enhancing Market Access Through Market Presence , (Pierre Sauvé and Daniel Schwanen, eds., 1996).
“Competition Policy and North American Multinationals”, with E.M. Graham, in Multinationals in North America 463 (L. Eden ed., 1994).
“A History of United States-Canada Trade and Investment Relations”, in Multinationals and Canada-United States Free Trade 16 (Alan M. Rugman ed., 1990).
“Strategies for the Canadian Multinationals”, with Alan M. Rugman, in International Business in Canada: Strategies for Management 200 (Alan M. Rugman, ed., 1989).
“After Seattle: Is there a Future for Trade and Competition Policy Rule-making?”, 26 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 307 (2000).
“International Competition Policy After ICPAC: Where Next”, Antitrust 46 (Summer 2000).
“After Seattle: Is there a Future for Trade and Competition Policy Rule-making?”, 6 International Trade Law and Regulation 66 (June 2000).
“Restrictive Trade Practices and the Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Antitrust and Trade Legislation”, 19 Northwestern J. Int’l. Bus. 330 (1999).
“International Aspects of Competition Policy – Possible Directions for the FTAA”, 22 World Competition 1 (1999.
“Globalization and Human Rights: An Economic Model”, 25 Brooklyn J. Int’l. L. 99 (1999).
“Efficiencies and Merger Review in Canada, the European Community and the United States: Implications for Convergence and Harmonization”, 26 Vanderbilt J. of Transnat’l. L. 1059 (1994).
“Competitiveness: An Emerging Strategy of Discrimination in U.S. Antitrust and R&D Policy?”, 25 L. & Pol. Int’l. Bus., with Alan M. Rugman, (1994).
“Recent U.S. Protectionist R&D Policies: Are Canadian Multinationals Exempted?”, Canadian Bus. L. J., with Alan M. Rugman, (1994).
“Foreign Ownership, Free Trade & the Canadian Energy Sector”, with Alan M. Rugman, 14 The Journal of Energy and Development, 1 (1988).
“Thin ICPAC: Report on International Antitrust Enforcement Does not Dare Enough” The Legal Times, April 3, 2000 at 46 (considering implications of an international antitrust report to Attorney General Janet Reno).
“Cutting Ourselves on Cuban Policy”, The Legal Times, March 11, 1996 at 26 (considering the implications of expanded sanctions on trade with Cuba).
“Saarstahl, A.G. v. United States; Inland Steel Bar Co. v. United States, (Court of International Trade, June 7, 1994”, 88 Am. J. of Int’l. L. (1994) (considering countervailing duties on the exports of privatized companies).
“Hunt v. Lac d’Amiante du Quebec, et al., [1993] 4 S.C.R. 289 (Canadian Supreme Court)”, 88 Am. J. of Int’l. L. (1994) (considering Canadian “blocking” statutes).
“Leniency and Multijurisdictional Cartel Enforcement in Canada, the E.U. and the U.S.: Risks and Rewards”, Paper presented to the University of Minnesota Law School Conference on Global Antitrust Law and Policy, Minneapolis.
“Recent Developments in Antitrust: A Global Review,” Panel Participant at the ABA Section of Business Law Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. August.
“Remarks on Competition Policy, Outreach and Technical Assistance” Presentation on behalf of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD at the OECD Global Forum on Competition, Paris.
“The Globalization of Antitrust Law: Lessons From GE/Honeywell and Other Recent Developments,” Program Chair, Practising Law Institute (PLI) Web Conference on New York.
Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Private International Law Study Group on Enforcement of Foreign Judgments” Washington, D.C.
“International Antitrust for the U.S. Lawyer” Presentation to New York ACCA, New York.
“Rising to the Challenges: The Rule of Public Law and Regulators” Rapporteur’s Report to the Ditchley Park Competition Policy in a Globalized Economy Conference, Oxford.
“Comity and Cooperation at the Crossroads: Rationalizing International Antitrust Enforcement” Speech to the 1998 Conference Board 1998 Antitrust Conference Program on “Antitrust Issues in Today’s Economy, New York City.
“Cooperation Versus Centralization: Different Strokes for Different Folks” Paper presented to the Conference on Global Markets, Competition and Democracy: Objectives and Methods in the Allocation of Antitrust Enforcement Powers sponsored by the Universita Catholica del Sacro Cuore and Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato E Agricoltura di Milano, Milan, Italy.
“Extraterritorial Application of National Laws Regulating Business Activities”, Speech to Ditchley Foundation Conference on this theme, Oxford, U.K.
“The FTAA, Regional Trade Agreements and Small States: Risks and Opportunities”, Speech to a Landfall Centre Conference, Nassau, the Bahamas.
“How OECD Tax Proposals Violate International Trade Norms”, Speech to the Center for Freedom & Prosperity Roundtable on International Tax Issues, Ottawa.
“The Patriot Act: International Issues” Lecture, Finnis Terrae University, Santiago, Chile.
“The Patriot Act: New Rules for Financial Institutions and Broker-Dealers – International Issues”, Presentation to Joint Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP and Kroll Inc. Luncheon Program, Miami.
“The Patriot Act and the Bank Secrecy Act: International Issues” Presentation to Joint Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP and Kroll Inc. Luncheon Program, New York.
“Offshore Finance: What is the Future?” Speech to Caribbean Latin American Action Annual Meeting, Miami.
“The OECD Harmful Tax Competition Initiative: A Violation of WTO Obligations”, Speech to the Capitol Hill Club, Washington, D.C.
“The OECD Harmful Tax Competition Initiative: A Discriminatory Policy” Presentation to the Panamanian Business Managers Association First Forum on the Competitiveness of Panama’s Service Export Industries, Panama City.
“Competition Policy and Corporate Governance in a Globalized Economy: Are German and Japanese Interests Special?” Paper presented to an International Conference on Japan and Germany in a Globalizing Economic Environment: Saving Institutional Strengths or Radically Converging on International Standards? Sponsored by Asia-Pacific Economic Research Institute and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Duisberg University – Mercatorhaus, Germany.