International Trade
- “After Seattle: Is there a Future for Trade and Competition Policy Rule-making?” Keynote Address to the Third Annual Latin American Roundtable on Competition & Trade Policy Sponsored by the University of Miami School of Law and Steel Hector & Davis LLP, Coral Gables, Florida.
- “Exploring the GATS Implications of Integrating Competition Policy Disciplines into the WTO”, Paper presented to the World Services Congress, Atlanta.
- “Globalization and Human Rights: An Economic Model”, Paper Presented to a Brooklyn Law School Symposium on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 50 and the Challenges of Global Markets, Brooklyn.
- “Linkages and International Rule Making: Comparing the Trade/Investment and Trade/Competition Experience” Paper presented to the Conference on Linkage as a Phenomenon: An Interdisciplinary Approach organized by the American Society of International Law International Economic Law Interest Group, Washington, D.C.
- “The Devil’s Advocate or the Advocate’s Devil?: Determining the Status of Helms-Burton in International Law” Paper Presented to the Fall Meeting of the New York State Bar Association International Section International Trade Committee Monte Carlo, Monaco.
- “Competition Law and Comparative International Integration”, Paper presented to the American Society of International Law: International Economic Law Group Conference on Institutions for International Economic Integration, Washington, D.C.
- “Private and Public Impediments to Market Presence: Exploring the Investment – Competition Nexus”, Paper presented to a Joint Conference of the C.D. Howe Institute/Canadian Economics Association/Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, Montréal, Canada.
- “Private and Public Restraints on Trade: Effects on Investment Decisions and Policy Approaches to Them”, Paper presented to the Trade Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.
- “Conditional National Treatment, Performance Requirements and Other Hobgoblins on the Hill”, Panel Discussion sponsored by the ABA Section of International Law and Practice, Washington, D.C.