Mark Warner was featured on the CBC Weekend Business Panel talking about inflation, interest rates and housing costs, pumping the breaks on the latest fusion energy breakthrough and the prospects for the ChatGPT artificial intelligence chatbot replacing humans in professional services. (December 17, 2022) Mr. Warner is a Canadian and U.S. lawyer who has practiced in Toronto, Washington, D.C., New York and Brussels and has advised governments on trade policy and trade negotiations and previously worked on trade and competition issues as counsel in the OECD Trade Directorate in Paris . Mark is a former Legal Director of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development & Trade and negotiated and drafted grant and loan agreements to leading global companies for jobs, investment, research and manufacturing projects in Ontario, including for: clean energy (solar and wind) manufacturing and hybrid and clean vehicle technologies. As Legal Director of the Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation, Mr. Warner led Ontario’s legal team in creating the $250 million Ontario Emerging Technologies Fund (focused in part on clean energy technologies), the $205 million Ontario Venture Capital Fund and establishing the Ontario Capital Growth Corporation.
As a former Acting Legal Director for the Ontario Ministry of Consumer Services, Mark was responsible for prosecutions under the provincial consumer protection laws and regulations. Mark’s experience with online technologies and e-commerce includes: participating in OECD-wide policy work on laws and regulations affecting e-commerce, acting as Chair, ICC Competition Commission Working Party on E-Commerce and Competition Policy, serving as an original ICANN domain name dispute resolution arbitrator for eResolution and WIPO and as Rapporteur of the Hague Conference on Private International Law Commission on Jurisdiction for Torts in Electronic Commerce.
Mark is a past Chair of the International and Economics Committees of the American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law as well as a member of the Section’s Task Forces on Competition Policy and NAFTA and Antitrust in the Global Economy. In addition to being a lawyer, Mr. Warner has a Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Toronto.