Mark Warner Was on the CBC Weekend Business Panel Talking About Inflation, Interest Rates & the Canadian Dollar, Peak Oil Projections and WFH & Side Hustles

Mark Warner was featured on the CBC Weekend Business Panel talking about falling inflation rates, interest rates and the Canadian dollar, the International Energy Agency global oil demand peak projected by the end of the decade and one in three Canadian workers admitting to working a side hustle during their regular work hours. (October 19, 2024) Mr. Warner is a Canadian and U.S. lawyer who has practiced law in Toronto, Washington, D.C., New York and Brussels and previously worked on trade and competition issues as counsel in the OECD Trade Directorate in Paris.

Mark provides international trade and investment law advice to natural resources clients as a colleague at Pilot Law which provides comprehensive legal services for developing resource businesses in the mining, energy and renewables sectors. Mark’s experience includes negotiating and drafting Government of Ontario grant and loan agreements and equity investments for clean energy (solar and wind) projects and advising the Ontario Government on trade issues in the design of the Green Energy Act and subsequently with respect to the Japanese WTO challenge to its domestic content provisions / local procurement provisions. Mark has provided competition law advice to a major oil company concerning oil refining and retail distribution in North America and advised on the first ever post-accession European Commission notification of a merger involving two of Central Europe’s largest refiners of crude oil. Earlier in his career, Mark participated in an international arbitration relating to the expropriation of the assets of a U.S.-based oil company in Libya and related issues under applicable sanctions and foreign asset control rules. 

Mark is a former Legal Director of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development & Trade and the Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation.  Mr. Warner was responsible for establishing the Ontario Capital Growth Corporation (OCGC) and providing corporate governance legal advice and secretarial support to its Board of Directors, as well as to the Board of Directors of the Ontario Immigrant Investor Corporation (OIIC), and other agencies administered by the Ministries. 

Mark is a past Chair of the International and Economics Committees of the American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law as well as a member of the Section’s Task Forces on Competition Policy and NAFTA and Antitrust in the Global Economy. In addition to being a lawyer, Mr. Warner has a Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Toronto.

Mark Warner Interviewed on CTV Your Morning on the Second U.S. Challenge to Canada’s Dairy Tariff Rate Quota under the New NAFTA

Mark Warner was interviewed on CTV Your Morning [at 1:50:53] about the United States launching a second dispute settlement challenge under the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) with regard to how Canada allocates its dairy tariff-rate quotas. (February 1, 2023) Mr. Warner is a Canadian and U.S. lawyer who has practiced in Toronto, Washington, D.C., New York and Brussels and has advised governments on trade policy and trade negotiations and previously worked on trade and competition issues as counsel in the OECD Trade Directorate. At the OECD, Mark participated in the negotiations of the proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment and represented the OECD at meetings of the WTO Working Groups on Trade and Competition Policies and Trade and Investment Policies.

Mr. Warner was Legal Director of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development & Trade and led Ontario’s legal team for trade negotiations (including the Canada-EU Trade Agreement and the Canada-U.S. Agreement on Government Procurement), advised on trade disputes (including the Green Energy Act and related WTO dispute settlement proceedings, and softwood lumber) and on various NAFTA Chapter 11 investor-state arbitration. Mr. Warner also led the Province’s legal team for the insolvency / restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler. He is co-author of a leading Canadian trade law treatise, has also published numerous articles and has been invited to speak at conferences around the world.